Friday, April 21, 2017

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!

Yes, the little one constantly craves pancakes! I never used to like them until the last couple of weeks I have made them almost every day, haha! Can't wait to meet my little pancake :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 2017 SD Files

Check out Spencer's monthly post:

Monday, April 3, 2017

Olive Slinger

My cat chooses funny places to take a rest.

My favorite, a kleenex box.

So comfy!

She loves this Packers plush blanket.

Spencer's backpack.

She loves quilts and quilting cotton, like this one my mom made for me.

Not sure what she sees in this mini quilt I made, but folded up or not, she wants to chill here.

Another quilt I made, she sat here everyday for at least a week.

Spencer's folded up, dirty shorts.

Spencerism: 031717

"I wish I was 8 feet tall for just 10 minutes"

while building the cabinet surround for the new fridge