Sunday, December 20, 2020

Elsieism 11-19-20

She was scratching something like her butt that she should keep her hands off and Spencer told her like 3 different times to stop scratching it. She would stop and start again. Finally, she told him, "I'm not scratching it in feeling it with my nails".

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Leo is 1 month old!

 And just like that Leo is 1 month old! Holy cow time doesn't get any slower, does it? That first month home with Elsie seemed so calm and chill comparatively, we just sat around with her, watched Netflix and ate sandwiches. I remember she never liked to be set down or sleep in her crib so Spencer and I would have to hold on to her allllll day and she would sleep on us or in the baby wrap. Night time she slept 2 hours and we barely got her to sleep so that we could attempt setting her in her crib before it was time to do it all over again, and she was formula-fed too!

Leo couldn't be more different, he loves to be swaddled, I can set him down in his crib awake for naps and he'll chill and put himself to sleep, but man does he get cranky when he's hungry! He's breastfed only (whole different story), and he likes to eat more often which lets me sit and take a quick break too, bonus! However, I get all the night shifts for the most part unless I pump and I hate pumping and feeling like a milk cow. But it's not nearly as stressful as with Elsie, I can only remember a couple of times that I felt stuck to the chair and couldn't get the baby to be willing to sleep in his crib. Much less stressful as I can feed him and get back into bed myself. So far the longest stretch he's gone is 4 hours, usually 2.5-3 hour stretches at night still. He also has a slight aversion to Spencer for now (not either of their faults, just a fact), but Spencer is really great and keeps trying and pushes through the crankiness. Elsie is a great big sister and she will do everything and more that we ask her (for the most part), she gets jealous sometimes but not nearly as much as I was dreading. When Elsie is at school and Leo napping, it has been pretty manageable to get some other things done around the house even!

Spencer is hell-bent on finishing this house before the cows come home, haha! He is doing an amazing job. The kitchen is done, hallway finished, stairs done, now just want to finish a built-in media center for the living room and then paint the downstairs before our new carpet gets installed. After that we are DONE until we can no longer stand our old-fashioned, out of date bathrooms with hobbit-sized toilets. I think I'll hold out longer than Spencer, but who's taking bets?

Back to Leo, man of the hour. He can already hold his head up pretty great, hates to be on our chest, doesn't hate tummy time too much, and loves to kick out and stretch his legs. He's getting more and more awake during the day, has his days and nights figured out, and loves to sleep on his back, usually swaddled with his legs really really tucked in helps. In fact, when I dress him I obviously put his legs in the pants legs of his PJs, and when I grab him a couple hours later he has put his legs up by his belly all tucked in like them must have been when I was pregnant. It's getting tougher for him to get his legs up there and get them tight like he likes it now that he's getting some baby pudge, so we will see how long that lasts :) <3

I don't remember Elsie pooping or farting this much, maybe its a breastfeeding thing? He has like 10 pee and 10 poop diapers a day (usually together thank the sun). And he really grunts and makes lots of noise to get the poops and farts out, which I find hilarious as it's usually not painful looking. And I think his hair is here to stay, it looks like it's thinning out and definitely getting longer, and no bald spots. I remember Elsie started with hair but as her head grew the hair either fell out or was pushed back. I think Leo will keep his luscious locks that are always everywhere <3

Leo loves:

  • Arms and legs swaddled
  • Eating
  • sucking on things
  • likes to grunt when pooping or getting comfy to fall asleep
  • laying on his changing table to look around, and I think he likes to get diaper changed
  • Bob Marley music
Leo hates:
  • reflux and tummy issues, though I think it would be worse if he was on formula.
  • Hates foot pokes to get blood drawn
  • When mom is busy and can't feed him at the exact second he wants it

Leo's favorite spot (besides my boob).

Elsie made that art piece in school and hung it on his crib today

Spencer buys a giant 75 inch TV, looks pretty dinky on our old TV stand.

Let's wall mount it, yes Spencer you need to let go of the TV at some point.

Cheap bookcases from target, frame/trim it out:

Finish trimming, sand and paint, add molding = DONE with another project!