Grandpa Mark and Grandma Melanie joined us for Easter celebrations. I
started off our Sunday with some multicolored pancakes, and Little E really
loved squeezing the food coloring into the pancake mix. Then Little Elsie had a
GREAT time looking for eggs, Dad set up both an indoor and outdoor search.
While waiting for the g-parents to come she played with the stuff from her
Easter basket (new play doh baking set, curvy straws, new hair bands, new
socks, a book, and of course candy). Mark and Melanie arrived and Grandma got
her a little musical bunny rabbit that sings. Grandma Mel, Elsie and I
decorated eggs, it took Little E a couple of eggs to realize that we weren't
cracking them open but decorating :) And the adults enjoyed a couple of games
of Dominion Prosperity while the little one napped. It was a fun and beautiful
75 degree Sunday!

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