Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Elsie is 19 months old!

I have been wondering how long I'll keep up the monthly photo shoots, but so far I'm liking them. Capturing the moment in time, take a second to write down the going's on in our lives, that sort of thing. So I guess I'll keep it up for now.

She's communicating more and more, getting really strong with her legs, and usually sleeping through the night. She even understands what her potty is and tries to go, though usually its after she's pooped. Getting an opinion, hard core and really not happy when she wants something and we say no. I was reading toddlers have a one-track mind and are developing their emotions now, so I just try to take a breath and talk to her calmly when she's having a melt down.

She's LOVING Daniel Tiger and Elmo lately, which makes road trips waaaaaaay better! And games on the phone. I've been dreading our upcoming trip to San Francisco but this makes me not dread it so much. And she's so smart, puts puzzles together, dad is teaching her 1-2-3 on his fingers and she's getting it, and she loves to read books.

Spencer is doing a great job and its a lot of work being a stay-at-home dad. Much more to it than just watching the baby and he's been amazing! I'm loving being a post-doc but I know it's not a forever job, so I've applied to some Assistant Professor jobs, UW-Lacrosse was a no, but have an on-site interview at UW-River Falls coming up so wish me luck. I'm definitely ready to be at a forever-job and find a forever-home, or close-to-forever.

Some highlights and things Elsie is loving lately:
  • She's become very particular about what she needs when she goes to bed, always the wubba, baby, and mao
  • Getting super fast at running
  • Still doesn't like meat too much, still loves avacado, shredded cheese, chocolate chips, pretty great eater
  • Loves sitting in her chair at her table and getting us to sit with her, says "me" to get us to sit and points to chair, she doesn't know "you" pronoun yet.
  • Still loves the playground, so nice to be able to bike over there again.
  • Loves Elmo and Daniel tiger TV shows
  • Got her some Elmo PJs and she's obsessed with wearing them, couple Elmo books are her fave also
  • Loves to push around her stroller and late mower still. Can't go into toy section without grabbing a little kid shopping cart and nearly having to buy it every time
  • Great at jumping!
  • Great at taking 1 step up or down, I remember at the cabin last summer how she would try to go down one and usually face plant
  • Loves allll dogs still
  • Tons of new words and trying new words out, new ones I remember hat, bike, Elmo, daniel
  • Calls mom "me" to do things like sit by get on couch
  • Going down big Circle slide at Park!
  • When I tell her to smile she usually does a scrunchy face

  • Hates being told no, like no more TV or no going down stairs, huge temper tantrums=lots of noise, whine, sits on ground, head down with scrunchy face
  • Iffy on the vacuum especially when she turns it on without realizing is plugged in :)
  • Huge sleep regression going on, napping sparingly, up around 520! Yes, for the day....
  • Saying no and making all done hand sign to not have pictures taken
  • Hair getting pretty long but she doesn't like having it up or anything in it :( I waited all this time for her hair to grow out!

Photo shoot, she does scrunchy face when  I tell her to smile and she's wearing beads/necklaces we made for Laura's wedding. Won't let me do her hair...

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