Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Laura & Nathan tie the knot

It was a chilly April fools day but we were serious about marrying off Laura and Nathan! They "planned" a casual affair that fit their family to a 't': The day started off with Laura, Mom, Mary, Betty, Abby (Nathan sister) and Pam (Nathan's mom) getting their nails did. Then we all headed back to Laura's house for some drinks and food and to get ready for the 5 pm ceremony. There was lots of chit chat and the babies had fun playing together while everyone swooped in and out to bedeck themselves. The photographer showed up at 4, then a quick ceremony with the justice of the peace before they kissed and it was over. Dinner followed at Charlies, a fabulous feast with toasts, and talking, a jubilant affair. Mom and I both felt like we didn't do enough to contribute, but there's always the party in July!
Some highlights or things I remember:
  • Little Elsie had a great time with her cousin and playing with Laura, grandma and grandpa!
  • She's also getting pretty good at saying grandma and grandpa, though they sound pretty similar right now. In the middle of the night one she woke up and kept saying grandma, grandma, grandma. And I was like, "grandma's asleep, we'll see her in the morning".
  • Little E def realizes what g-ma and g-pas house is, and that we were not at home.
  • Only a little bit of mom-holding-Lena jealousy, and I was thrilled that Lena seemed to like me from the get-go. Though by the time dinner came around Elsie had had enough and only wanted mom.
  • She loved the light up shoes from G-ma!
  • Lots of hugs for Lena, probably a bit of attention-seeking but also lots of love!
  • It was pretty funny watching Little E push Lena around in her walker
  • Dad was super excited about his idea to get everyone yellow crocs to wear, guess that's what Laura gets for planning pretty much nothing :)
There was kind of a funny time during the ceremony where their dog, Mannie the great dane would not get out of the way and would walk between them.

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