Monday, February 27, 2023

leo 9 months!

Top teeth coming in! And more?

Looots of babbling, hes got lots to say if only we knew what the hell it was. There's one thing, pretty sure mamamama is meee 😀

He's getting around amazing, loves to put literally anything in his mouth from toys to the random fuzz or paper junk on the floor

Done with the walker? He's almost too tall and strong, he really gets going and runs into things (aka walls and feet). He really has it figured out and loves to be able to scoot around, so though

Dad has been killing it with naps and night time wake ups, taking some of it off my shoulders which is awesome! New routine is those 2 drop Elsie off and then drive around for first nap around 830 is what he likes. And at night I've been feeding him but he hasn't wanted to calm down and go to bed for me, he just wants to stay awake (like an extra hour) so Spencer takes over and he usually screams at Spencer for like 15 min but then goes to bed. 
Jumping leo is getting into everything these days, pulling things off the shelves,
 everything goes in the mouth, loves to climb the stairs, really really active ♥️ and he is crazy strong, hates laying down for diaper changes and absolutely hates being buckled into his car seat! 

leo 10 months

Loves playing with the gate

Love's climbing stairs

Doc says this guy could put on some weight and he'd be fine

Loves all food

Elsie is loving making new friends at her new school and having play dates

Not walking yet but loves to explore the entire house

Everybody loves climbing on the cat tower

I'll see and Mom survive real bad stomach bug
Fun exploring a new neighborhood

Walking on tip toes

leo 1 year old!

Loves climbing on top of and into boxes! Especially the ottoman. And he'll put the cat in there too.

Tall! Can open door knobs if he really tried!

Loves playing with the stair gate, open and close it

Uses word off on in all sounds the same.

Friday, October 8, 2021

leo 11 months

Still horrible in the car

Really learning to communicate, can say mama, dada, and uses hands for milk and all done

Canines coming in and really hurting him, lots of sleepless nights for mom and dad. My body as sadly been going off 5 to 6 hours for the parts months or so

Elsie starts gymnastics and loving it!

Lots of waving to everyone he sees :)





LEO, “cryyyyy”


Spencer with a sign of resignation, “you’ll thank me later”

Sunday, August 1, 2021

spencerism 080121

"why don't you like wiping your own butt?"

Spencer asks Elsie

"Because I'm not four yet" 

Monday, July 19, 2021

Duluth visit

"Let's just make it through this torturous night" Spencer when we stopped halfway at Eau Claire, WI.

Elsie slept with Spencer in the big bed and they were laying on top of the covers with her little dora blanket on. Spencer asks, do you want to get under the covers [so we can sleep and be warm]. Elsie, no. Spencer, fine I'll just suffer through the night..... Just make it through the night."

Elsie had such a great time looking around in the car and is super chatty about the goings-on. We saw lots of fun things like the longest train ever, lots of water and barns, lots of fun bridges and when we got to Duluth we went over a giant bridge. As we get to Duluth and see the houses on the hill overlooking the water Elsie says, "Wooo look at the city! What color is hayden's house? Mom we should call her and ask her!" Turns out Hayden's house is on the top of the hill and not visible from where we drove in.

We had lots of fun playing with Hayden, Sam and Mary, thanks for hosting us :)  My mom joined in on the fun by meeting us up in Duluth, and was moving really really great considering she had a hip replacement surgery only a couple of weeks ago! Good job, MOM! The girls had lots of fun playing in the back yard, in the sprinkler, with bubbles, eating ice cream and chocolates, making pizza, and playing with all their toys! The boring adults had fun by chatting it up and relaxing. Leo was pretty smiley and chill when he wasn't in the car, and had lots of fun bouncing and crawling around pretty much everywhere.

Super funny thing that happened was the girls had been running around naked in the sprinklers, cuz that's what you do when you're 1 and 3, haha. Then they all stopped to have a snack and Hayden took a strawberry and was eating it over on her mini plastic playground/slide. Next thing we knew she was trying to get her mom's attention, and we all thought it was a bug, but Mary went over there and exclaimed, "POOP! You pooped all over the slide!" Hahaha so funny.

There was a pretty great indoor water park that we stayed at and the girls had a blast especially in the toddler area. Hayden took a little getting used to it but eventually was splashing around and having a blast. Elsie has been to a number of these already in her short life and took to exploring and the shorter slides right away. 

The ride home literally took us all day, 7 hours for a 5 hour trip, LOTS of stops and a playground/lunch stop, potty breaks, and WE FORGOT THE CAR POTTY so we were on the edge of our seats the whole time! Luckily my mom agreed to let us take her van home with us so we had extra room and I could sit in back with the kids and entertain/help out.

The hotel in Eau Claire, WI. Stopping halfway was one of my more genius ideas even though I had to drag Spencer kicking and screaming to agree to it. Afterwards he mentioned how much nicer the trip there was (2 2 1/2 hour chunks). 

Elsie sang us lots of songs and was the #1 road tripper of the week.

Wagon is the best!

Leo making himself at home in Hayden's stroller.

Big bear outside teh chocolate shop.

Hanging out at the outdoor pool, the indoor water park didn't open until 5 pm!

Uncle Spencer is a good swim teacher and got Hayden to splash around even though she was pretty cold.

She's got some stinky plans

Thanks for coming with Grandma, always great to have you road trip and vacation with us.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

leo 8 month

Strawberry love!  Both of them love strawberries and Leo especially! Loves to maw them with his 2 new bottom teeth.

Leo is moving everywhere! Belly crawling, scooting rolling and reaching and pushing. Needs some kneepads :) He loves to check out what Elsie is doing, which she either is ok with or absolutely hates because he will put things in his mouth and "suck on them". Barbies are especially a no-no, though Elsie will happily hand over Ken for Leo to play/suck on, poor Ken.

Elsie loves being able to play and move him around, but now she sees that he could take her toys and she reeeealy hates when he sucks on the toys. So she stakes a claim to her area from the get go, which usually includes the best toys. Leo doesn't care yet, he just loves playing and bouncing.

Both kids love splash parks and swimming. Leo went in lake at cabin for a good couple of minutes before staying no thanks. It's been a hot summer, pretty much everyday in the 80s or more so we've been doing lots of swimming, back yard pool parties, love our new back yard!

Elsie can swim about 10 feet all by herself! She could probably go further if she tried but she gets too nervous. She LOVES jumping off the dock to someone and then swimming back to the steps.

Children's museum finally reopened! Both kiddos love running around and rolling around.

Bottom teeth! After months of speculation and drooling and knawing on things it was bound to happen! 

Elsie knows how to pump! Pushing on the swings only sometimes now, a nice relief for us parents.

Still looking for a vacation rental property, if you know of any then let us know!  

Leo is still growing, still super tall, and I can't believe how big he is for a 8 month old! He's got to be almost 25 pounds at this point, SO STRONG, and so chatty! He'll def tell you what's on his mind, and is almost always making noises!

Car rides are pretty rough these days with the Honda CRV (Yes, yes I told you so! I told you we should just get a mini van, yes I remember you telling me that....). THere's no room for all of our crap, with the two car seats in the back there's no room for anyone to sit between them and entertain/help them out. WHen Leo is not sleeping he's almost always annoyed and ready to be out of the car, and he lets us know the WHOLE time! If I could sit in back and entertain him it would be easier. So we're def in the market for a mini-van.

My running partner fell asleep on me.

Elsie last day of 3k

Day at the new splash park in Cottage Grove

Elsie runs pretty much the whole time, like over an hour. She takes a water break every so often but not a long break. When we get back to the car to go home she says, "I'm hungry" and will proceed to down like an entire bag of goldfish or some other snack.

Leo crawling around

Sits up pretty great in the stroller and the wagon so hes much more mobile. And he likes to sleep on the go just like Elsie.

Elsie, Leo and I enjoying the "3D" playground. Elsie named it that since there are at least 3 separate playgrounds at this elementary school, its insanely amazingly huge!

I pulled his hair back in a man-bun.

Leo in his man-bun helping us finish the bathroom off teh master bedroom by playing with his toys and being chill.

Why doesn't she like to smile for pictures anymore? I ask her to an this is waht I get....anyhow we were having fun with suds in the bath.

Leo new favorite toy, he's pretty great at walking with it once you set him up.

My office is in the bedroom and once a day these two will come up to ask something or whatever, and usually I get a pretty good smile from Leo and an exasperated smile/comment from Spencer who has been dealing with Leo whining at him for the past hour or so.

We met up with Leah, Jeremy, Desi, Eric, Miles, charles, Jolene, and Landon and the kids had a blast at the beach.

Father's Day sleuthing - I set up a "escape room" type scavenger hunt in the downstairs and these two did a great job working together to unlock the freezer with our ice cream treats. Will def ahve to do again soon!

Happy Father's Day Spence, you're an amazing dad and we're lucky to have you!

Elsie is a great big sister, super helpful and pretty careful with him, though he's a big lad and pretty robust at this point. 

Showing off the new shoes she picked out.

After bathtime Leo is usually ready for sleeping and almost always letting us know it by whining, chatting, lots of noises, so anytime he get's too fussy Spencer makes him laugh to get a happy noise out of him for a second or 2.

We went strawberry picking, but they were so dinky and small :( We got a bucketful and had a great time running around the field, but I think the crop suffered from our drought-like conditions. They were so small that when you cut the tops off there was half of the strawberry gone! :( Better luck next year.

Another quilt finished! This was a pattern by Angela Walters (midnight quilt show) and I used her quilting diagrams to practice free motion quilting. Pretty happy with the result!

These two LOVE strawberries. I think Leo will be a lefty?

I let Elsie lick the bowl but Leo wanted some of that action and Elsie's face says it all.

Elsie completed a kid's run on the 4th of July! Great job kiddo! It was a run around the bases before the adults headed out for their 5K walk/run. It was only 2 kids but both those girls ran their heart out and did great!