Sunday, March 24, 2019

Spencerism 03.24.19

"Are you going to help or are you gonna whine? Cuz I like helping, but I don't like whinin!"
"Did you find it yet [the drawer handle] or are you still whining?"
Elsie helping dad put some drawer handles on the cupboards.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

R/E visit March 17, 2019

Loves Gma and Gpa!
My parents dropped by for an impromptu visit last weekend, and we all enjoyed the warmer weather with each other for St. Patrick's Day. Bonus: Little E learned how to say "grandma" and "grandpa" just in time! Sounds more like "Gee-ma" and "Gee-ma" now, :) Nothing too exciting, went for some walks, played at our house, watched a bit of her favorite "elmo" (sounds like ew (as in bet)-mo), went to the mall to walk around and eat, and everyone took an afternoon nap, plus LOTS of talk about the upcoming nuptials of Laura and Nathan (I actually hate that phrase but have so very few occasions to use it, and I've noticed upcoming always proceeds nuptials for some reason).

Bathtime on the countertop still, though not every night. Hair getting looong!

Happy Gpa Ron hug when they first arrived.

Breakfast the next day and Gpa showing her his dogs on his farm game for his phone, Hay Day.

Watching some Elmo and having a snack after an hour long walk.

My Elsies walking around the mall (it was too cold to do anything outside).

She was a huge fan of these carts, though I wasn't willing to spend the $7 to rent one.

Tacos for dinner.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Saturday, March 2, 2019

18 months old!

Wow, it feels like I just wrote one of these! This one will be short and sweet, just like Littel E! She is more and more vocal these days! Just yesterday she said her first two-word phrase "mo wa" for more water. Visited the doc a couple days ago, stats are right on track (23lb 32 in) and development off the charts. Bonus, no shots and she didn't cry the whole time. She is just the most adorable thing in the whole world, learning new things every day, more and more personality, and happy to pipe in when something isn't quite right (or throw a tantrum). I've had a couple job interviews this month, which was quite exciting, so we'll see how that pans out.

  • Feeding the cats. She's caught on that I say "here kitty kitty", but her version sounds a bit more like "lababababa". SOOOO cute!
  • Loves to spin! Spencer still sits in front of TV stand. She spins her dolls, slinky, slink around waist, and also "all fall down"s.
  • Rolling with and sometimes without our help
  • Loves baby, dressing, practice sitting, feeding, wubba, medicine, anything we do to her, she does to baby. I've bought her a stroller for baby that I think she'll love, if it ever arrives in the mail....
  • Lots of animal noises, cow dog cat bird chicken turkey, horse, duck
  • Ouch is the funny word for her as well, except when it's her
  • Phone games, she calls it "dog" when she see our phone. Recently, Spencer and I both purchased the full versions of a couple games. Yes, even Spencer!!!! I didn't think it would ever happen, but it did. Hard to take pics cuz whenever phone is out she wants to play "dog". Plays angry birds with her nose.
  • Loves going in circles around playground, march in circles, drag or push lawnmower
  • Blanket rides with Dad, where he'll drag her behind him on a blanket.
  • Loves being tossed and spun around
  • Loves hide and seek, "where's dad?"
  • Shakes it off when hurt
  • Got her a table and chairs and she loves to put her babies and stuffed animals in the chairs and sing to them
  • This is a new one, sitting on our lap to read a book or whatever she likes to be covered with a blanket. Probably a Spencer thing.
  • Loves reading and looking at dog books especially. Favorites lately are Heads & Tails (a dog picture book), This Old Man, Blue Hat Green Hat with the silly turkey, and I forget the name but there's a lift the flap book with a duck "where's my mom" that she loves.

  • Owies, got her to "shake it off" when something hurts cuz she likes to look for a reaction from us on EVERYTHING!
  • She loves going outside for walks and to see the neighborhood dogs, but it has been crazy cold and snowing.
  • when we say no more phone
  • meat, will eat anything else

New Moves
  • Baby's first poop in her potty!!!! Hells yes, that's my smart girl! Potty routine right before bathtime is paying off big! It was number 5 of the day too!
  • Baby's first jump! All the other ones before she still had her toes on the ground. Now she can consistently leave the ground and land a jump!
  • Walking on tippy toes, walking back wards
  • Singing and baby babble to herself
  • Such a great helper, and great at taking directions. I had her help me move her table and chairs this morning so I could vacuum up our Play-doh crumbs.
  • These app games really got her learning her colors, numbers, and matching. She's great at finding the match, putting the correct shape in a spot, or even picking out the correct number from a group of numbers.

Photoshoot with Wolfie this month and wolf ears (from our trip with my parents to the Great Wolf Lodge)! And that outfit was a Christmas gift from John, Ellie, Miles, and Odette. Video had lots of good stills to pick from :)